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Switch Hit |
One of the resources I like to use with my AP Biology classes is “Modeling the regulatory switches of the Pitx1gene in stickleback fish.” I use this when we move from prokaryotic to eukaryotic gene regulation. We watch the short film, “The Making of the Fittest: Evolving Switches, Evolving Bodies.” Students are a little skeptical at first, but are impressed when they see the deleted gene switch for pelvic expression in freshwater fish. We then work in pairs or small groups to complete the activity. Although the activity as published calls for using pipe cleaners and markers, I let the students choose how they want to model the switches. I have a number of craft supplies available – pipe cleaners, beads, yarn, fun foam shapes, Play-Doh, chalk markers, colored paper, construction paper, card-stock, etc. – so they can use what works best for their interpretation. Doing this modeling activity helps them understand more concretely how gene expression varies in different tissues, and how seemingly small changes in DNA can make one group better adapted to its environment than another. – Vanita Vance (College Station HS, TX)