Thursday, August 1, 2013

HHMI Resources

AUGUST 2013 - VOLUME 16 

BioInteractive News

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Mosquito Life Cycle Activity

It’s hot and muggy outside, and that’s when mosquitoes are most active! Understanding the mosquito life cycle is essential to controlling insect numbers and the diseases they spread. Raise mosquitoes and observe their life cycle in this  hands-on activity.
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Learn About West Nile 

West Nile virus infects mosquitoes, birds, and people—with very different consequences for each. In this engaging Click and Learn, Drs. Laura Kramer and Marm Kilpatrick discusses the West Nile virus life cycle and how factors like temperature and climate affect spread.
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West Nile Virus Game

Are you the mosquito vector or a host? If you are a host, what kind? Play this fun multiplayer game, where you simulate the spread of the West Nile virus among mosquitoes, birds, horses, and humans.
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Intrepid Mosquito Hunter

Meet high school student turned mosquito hunter Ben Vincent! During the summer months, Ben collects mosquitoes that West Nile virus expert Dr. Marm Kilpatrick then uses in his research. 
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Viral Diversity Poster

We don’t know how many different viruses there are, but estimates run in the millions. This downloadable poster illustrates the wide variety of viral sizes, geometry, and genome types that exist. 
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Share Your BioInteractive Tips

We’re collecting ideas and tips from teachers like you on how you’ve successfully implemented BioInteractive resources in the classroom. Send your ideas We’ll feature selected stories in an upcoming edition of BioInteractive News.